PBO WorldPBO WorldPBO World
Admiralty Way Lekki Phase 1, Lagos


How we built world’s first real estate network marketing firm – Dr. Jayne Onwumere, CEO, PWAN

Dr. Jayne Obioma Onwumere, usually called OJ Onwumere, is the Group President/Chief Executive Officer of PWAN Group. PWAN is an acronym for Property World Africa Network, the first real estate network marketing company in the world, started by her and her husband in 2012.  In this interview, she speaks on her business and how she feels as […]
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What Others wish they knew about Retirement Plans

Retirement plan is the process of determining retirement income goals, and the actions and decisions necessary to achieve those goals. Contrary to popular belief, retirement plan is not only for those working in the confinement of an office space, neither is it for aged people who do not have the exuberance to continue working. Retirement […]
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The Easiest Way to Own A Home

PBO Home Ownership Program is the answer. PBO Home Ownership program is a platform that accommodates everyone from all spheres of life: It doesn’t matter if it is an Entrepreneur, a white collar employee, a Student, trader, farmer, retiree, teacher, a National Youth Service Corps, a Government Worker, and even a child. PBO benefits everybody […]
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You can Experience Life Changing Benefits as a PBO

PWANGROUP offers great opportunities to PBOs who are intentional about their growth through the system. The PBO Compensation Plan has already helped millions of people in realizing their dreams. Bonuses and Incentives are only the beginning of your business in PBO, you can achieve whatever status you set for yourself because PBO provides all the […]
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8 Ranks and Benefits of a PBO

1. Assistant Team Manager: Requirement: Recruit five Gold or five Classic Gold PBOs. Benefits: 3% 2nd level indirect sales commission 2. Team Manager: Requirement: Develop 5 Assistant Managers or recruit 30 Gold or Classic Gold PBOs. Benefits: 1.5% 3rd level indirect commission and N144,000.00 bonus. 3. Senior Manager: Requirement: Develop 5 Managers Benefit: Bonus of […]
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Why Network Marketing is the Key to Lifetime Success

One admirable trait of network marketing is that there is no time frame. Just like land, network marketing is imperishable and it can yield profitable returns from amassed efforts if conducted professionally and selflessly. Sure, we have incentives and promos that are assigned timelines but the overall result depends on one’s ability to stay grounded […]
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Earn More By Learning More

Plutocracy; is a government exclusively controlled by a few, and these few persons have exclusive access to the wealth of the nation. This may sound far-fetched, but statistics have showed that in our society today, half of the world’s wealth is controlled and distributed by 1% of the population. This makes it pertinent for any […]
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One Of The Best Income Opportunities In Nigeria

Nigeria’s population makes it have one of the best workforce markets in the world. If properly harnessed, you can become self-made through the opportunities in various sectors like: 1. Manufacturing 2. Real Estate 3. Road, water, and other means of transportation 4. Telecommunications 5. Finance etc. At the center of these opportunities lie the human […]
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